Presentations and Abstracts

Our presentations


Kathy Pain, Exploring how real estate investment can contribute positively to urban population health and equality, WUACD International Conference 2025 on ” ONE HEALTH“, 5-7 February


Jo White, Enhancing prevention on non-communicable diseases through Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. Lessons on community engagement, University of Cardiff, 17 December

Anna Le Gouais, Supporting local government to create healthy places, Association of Directors of Public Health: Health and Planning Collaborative Group, Bristol, 29 November

Kathy Pain, Addressing the Gap in Health and Wellbeing Evidence for Urban Real Estate Brownfield Asset Management Social Needs and Impact Analysis Using a Systems Mapping Approach, Paris, 26-28 November

Jack Newman, Structural barriers and opportunity spaces in the UK’s public health mission, UKAPA Conference, University of Birmingham, 13 September

Eleanor Eaton, Introduction of the HAUS model, TRUUD: Creating Healthy Urban Places Using Systems Thinking, London, 9 July

Anna Le Gouais, The application of HAUS in Bristol, TRUUD: Creating Healthy Urban Places Using Systems Thinking, London, 9 July

Eleanor Eaton, Anna Le Gouais and Alistair Hunt, Informing healthy urban policy making through quantitative health impact appraisal, EUHEA conference, Vienna, 2 July

David Williams, Jo White and Andy Gibson, Demystifying Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs): lessons on community engagement in the UK presentation and extended abstract, Universities’ Transport Study Group Annual Conference, Huddersfield, 2 July

Kathy Pain and Nalumino Akakandelwa, Theory of Change: Public Private actors’ network in healthy urban development and investment decision-making, ERES24, Gadnsk, 26-29 June

Kathy Pain, Strategic planning for health city regions: beyond Covd-19, for Urban Health and Wellbeing, Spatial Planning and Policy Making, School of Government, Peking University, 17 June

Sarah Ayres, Andrew Barnfield, Mark Sandford, Geoff Bates, How can (weak) local leaders co-create healthy urban development? Regional Studies Conference, Florence, Italy, 13 June

Ed Kirton Darling, TRUUD and Health Impact Assessments, for Luton a Marmot Town: Health and Built Environment workshop, 12th June

Cecilia Wong, Understanding health inequalities from a spatial planning perspective to Pioneer Presents: Tackling diseases of the future, 2 May

Daniel Black, Judi Kidger, Neil Carhart and Geoff Bates, Evaluating complex population health interventions ​across multiple urban development systems ​to the Systems Evaluation Network, 24 March

Emma Bird, Integrating health in Local Plans: An impact evaluation to the South West Public Health Scientific Conference, 19 March

Anna Le Gouais, Bridging the gap from research to practice: a Researcher-in-Residence approach to co-produce interventions to influence wider determinants of health to the South West Public Health Scientific Conference, 19 March

Helen Zheng, GIS and Health Inequality to Sustainable Futures seminar on expanding the horizon of GIS in the environmental research landscape, University of Manchester, February 2024

Anna Le Gouais, What needs to happen to level up public health (Ayres, S, Barnfield, A, Bates, G, Le Gouais, A & Pearce, N C) Centre for Governance Regulation & Industrial Strategy (CGR&IS) and Contemporary Social Science workshop School of Management, University of Bath, 29 January 2024


Anna Le Gouais OHID and Sport England Frome Gateway Health Impact Assessment OHID & Sport England – Health & Activity in Urban Design, Regional Workshop Bristol, 21st Nov 2023

Ges Rosenberg, Pablo Newbury Developing a reflective ‘team science’ approach to inter/transdisciplinary research – how ‘research on research’ might be used to improve practice, UKPRP Community of Practice, Edinburgh 15 November.

Coggon J, Black D, England K, King E, Martin J (2023) Realising and recording impacts for the public’s health: Embracing opportunities and responding to challenges within UKPRP. UKPRP Community of Practice, Edinburgh 14 November.

Emma Bird UKPRP 23 Integrating health in local plans – an impact assessment, UKPRP Community of Practice, Edinburgh 14 November

Geoff Bates, Pablo Newberry, Krista Bondy, Martha Jordan UKPRP 23 A systems approach in TRUUD Prevention Research, UKPRP Community of Practice, Edinburgh 14 November.

Anna Le Gouais UKPRP 23 Bridging the gap from research to practice, UKPRP Community of Practice, Edinburgh 14 November.

Anna Le Gouais UKPRP 23 How to create healthier places – a multidisciplinary qualitive study, UKPRP Community of Practice, Edinburgh 14 November.

Eleanor Eaton and Alistair Hunt Quatifying the health impacts of alternative urban development scenarios using the HAUS tool, European Public Health Conference, Dublin 8 November

Cecilia Wong and Helen Wei Zheng Visualising regional inequalities (pt 1) and Visualising regional inequalities with TRUUD maps, Greater Manchester Analysts Group, 30 October.

Geoff Bates and Daniel Black Problem identification for intervention development in complex systems research, European Society for Prevention Research Conference, Sarajevo 4-7 October.

Geoff Bates, Andrew Barnfield and Sarah Ayres Key challenges for engaging urban development policymakers for prevention of non-communicable diseases, European Society for Prevention Research Conference, Sarajevo 4-7 October.

Anna Le Gouais Working with local government to support creation of healthier urban environments for population health and wellbeing: a case study of embedded research in Bristol, UK, European Society for Prevention Research Conference, Sarajevo 4-7 October.

Cecilia Wong and Helen Zheng Spatial differentiation & key determinants of health-related well-being in Tameside and Glossop, Tameside and Glossop Integrated NHS Foundation Trust and Stockport NHS  Foundation Trust Research Showcase, 29 September 2023.

Anna Le Gouais and Simone Wilding (Chief Planner, Bristol City Council) Tackling the root causes of unhealthy urban development, Public Practice, Bristol 22 September 2023.

Anna Le Gouais (2023) Influencing urban planning decision-making through demonstrating health impacts of changes to the built environment: a co-designed intervention, SSM Conference, September 2023.

Anna Le Gouais (2023) How to create healthier places: a multi-disciplinary qualitative study exploring the complex system of urban development decision-making, SSM Conference, September 2023.

Daniel Black and Geoff Bates (2023) Overcoming the challenges of problem identification in complex systems of urban health workshop at the 17th World Congress on Public Health, Rome, May 3th-6th 2023.

David Williams David Williams – Elephant in the Road – TransitCon2023 presentation and video at TransitCon, 30 April 2023.

David Williams Disciplining the Transdisciplinary: the challenges of integrating project management systems to an existing trans-disciplinary research project presentation at EARMA Conference, 24 April 2023.

Black D, Bates G, Ayres S, Bondy K, Callway R, Carhart N, Coggon J, Gibson A, Hunt A (2023) Critical research management for complex problems: Lessons learned in establishing a major research programme aimed at addressing unhealthy urban development. Crowdhelix Research and Technology Organisations & Corporate Members’ Event. Queen Anne Building, Greenwich, London, 12th January 2023.


Daniel Black (2022) Tackling root causes upstream of unhealthy urban development (TRUUD). Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) Annual Scientific Meeting. NCD Prevention in Cities. Hilton Wembley, London, 7th December 2022.

Anna Le Gouais (2022) Untangling complexity: a qualitative study to understand how to integrate health in decision-making for large-scale urban development. Urban Transitions Conference, Barcelona, November 2022.

Cecilia Wong and Caglar Koksal (2022) Boundary spanning regimes of spatial planning and public health. Planning Research Conference 2022 ‘Planning in, and for, a Digital World’, University of Manchester, 5th – 7th September 2022.

Eleanor Eaton and Alistair Hunt (2022) How much are UK adults willing to pay to avoid depression? A contingent valuation study. EUHEA Conference 2022, Oslo, Norway, 5th – 8th July 2022.

Cecilia Wong (2022) Invited presentation on ‘Tackling root causes upstream of unhealthy urban development’, Greater Manchester Connected Health Ecosystem and Digital Futures: Urban Health, Citylabs 1.0, Manchester, 10th June 2022.

Michael Chang (2022) “Before the hospital” – Design as preventative healthcare: exploration of USA/UK regulatory and multi-sectoral practices in designing healthier equitable communities and places . EDRA53 Conference, Greenville, South Carolina, 1st-4th June 2022.

Habtamu Beshir (2022) Presentation on the ongoing research on the air quality and health effects of Low Emission and Clean Air Zones. Presented at:

‘Beyond the Clean Air Zone’ workshop, organised by TRANSITION (UK wide Clean Air Network programme led by University of Birmingham), 16th June 2022.

Bath Applied Brown Bag (BABB) Seminar, University of Bath, 9th June 2022.

Lisa Montel (2022) In control of the law: power asymmetries among actors in urban development and their ability to control the legal determinants of health, online, Bristol Law School, University of Bristol, 11th May 2022.

Sarah Aryes, Andrew Barnfield and Mark Sandford (2022) How can (weak) local leaders instigate the co-creation of innovative solutions and public value? 72nd Political Studies Association Annual International Conference ‘Politics from the Margins’ York, UK 11th-13th April, 2022.

Pablo Newberry (2022) System Workshop Findings Webinar, online, presentation to TRUUD Consortium, 8th March 2022.

Heeseo Rain Kwon (2022) Bringing the interview data, RiR data, and systems maps data together: current thoughts , online, presentation to TRUUD Consortium, 25th January 2022.

The Health Economists’ Study Group Winter 2022 Meeting, University of Leeds, 5th-7th January 2022.


Sarah Ayres & Krista Bondy (2021) A Presentation of Phase 1 findings on the TRUUD project, online, UKPRP Webinar Series, 13th December 2021.

Cecilia Wong (2021) Invited presentation on ‘Transport, health and planning’ to the Local Transport Decision Making event of the Department for Transport, 2nd December 2021.

Our conference abstracts

Kathy Pain, Exploring how real estate investment can contribute positively to urban population and health equity, WUACD International Conference on ‘One Health February 2025

Le Gouais A. P07 The researcher-in-residence model to tackle physical environmental determinants of health. J Epidemiol Community Health 2022 76:A51-A52.(

Le Gouais A, Bates G. P08 Conducting a large scale transdisciplinary interview study: lessons learned from the TRUUD project. J Epidemiol Community Health 2022; 76:A52. (

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