Our Team

TRUUD brings together experts from a wide range of different disciplines to prioritise health.

Professor Matthew Hickman (Research Director – Academic)

Head of Population Health Sciences and Deputy Head of Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol

Head of Population Health Sciences and Deputy Head of Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol

Research Profile
Professor Gabriel Scally (Research Director – Impact)

Honorary Professor of Public Health, University of Bristol

Honorary Professor of Public Health
Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol

Research Profile
Mr Daniel Black (Programme Director)

Specialist in Urban Development for Planetary Health, University of Bristol

Specialist in Urban Development for Planetary Health
Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol

Research Profile
Dr David Williams (Senior Project Manager)

University of Bristol

Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol

Research Profile
Mrs Julia Walton (Senior Communications Officer)

University of Bristol

Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol

Ms Clare Millar (Programme Administrator)

University of Bristol

Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol

Professor of Public Policy and Governance, University of Bristol

Professor of Public Policy and Governance
School for Policy Studies
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Associate Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, University of Bath

Senior Lecturer
Stirling Management School
University of Stirling

Research Profile
Professor Rona Campbell (Complex Systems)

Professor of Public Health Research, University of Bristol

Professor of Public Health Research
Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol

Chair in Law
School of Law
University of Bristol

Research Profile
Professor Jonathan Dovey (Creative Arts)

Professor of Screen Media, University of the West of England

Professor of Screen Media
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries & Education
University of the West of England

Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol

Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Professor of Law, University of Bristol

Professor of Law
School of Law
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Professor of Real Estate Development, University of Reading

Professor of Real Estate Development
Henley Business School
University of Reading

Research Profile

Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Professor of Public Policy, University of Bath

Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Professor of Public Policy
Institute of Policy Research
University of Bath

Research Profile

Senior Lecturer in Public Health, University of the West of England

Professor in Public Health Economics and Director Centre for Public Health and Wellbeing
Department of Health & Social Sciences
University of the West of England

Research Profile

Clinical Professor of Public Health & Epidemiology, University of Manchester

Clinical Professor of Public Health & Epidemiology
Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care
University of Manchester

Research Profile

Professor of Spatial Planning, University of Manchester

Professor of Spatial Planning
School of Environment, Education & Development
University of Manchester

Research Profile

Research Associate, University of Manchester

Research Associate
Health and Social Sciences
University of the West of England

Research Profile

Research Associate, University of Bristol

Institute for Policy Research
University of Bath

Research Profile

Research Associate
Department of Economics
University of Bath

Senior Research Fellow, University of the West of England

Senior Lecturer in Public Health
Department of Health & Social Sciences
University of the West of England

Research Profile

Lecturer in Infrastructure Systems, University of Bristol

Lecturer in Infrastructure Systems
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Research Assistant, University of Bath

Research Associate
Department of Economics
University of Bath

Research Profile

Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences, University of Manchester

Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences
Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care
University of Manchester

Research Profile

Reader in Economics, University of Bath

Reader in Economics
Department of Economics
University of Bath

Research Profile

Associate Professor in Patient and Public Involvement, University of the West of England

Associate Professor in Patient and Public Involvement
Department of Health & Social Sciences
University of the West of England

Research Profile

Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Bath

Department of Economics
University of Bath

Research Profile

Research Fellow, University of the West of England

Research Fellow
Department of Health & Social Sciences
University of the West of England

Research Profile

Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer in Public Health, University of Bristol

Associate Professor in Public Health
Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Chair in Law, University of Bristol Law School

School of Law
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Research Associate, University of Manchester

Research Fellow & Lecturer in Urban Planning
School of Environment, Education & Development
University of Manchester

Research Profile

Senior Research Associate, University of Bristol

Research Fellow (Embedded) – Bristol City Council
Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer in Public Health, University of Bristol

Research Fellow
Stirling Management School
University of Stirling

Research Profile

Professor of Public Policy and Governance, University of Bristol

Research Fellow
School for Policy Studies
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Senior Research Associate, University of Bristol

Research Associate
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Bristol

Research Profile
Jack Newman

Professor of Public Policy and Governance, University of Bristol

Research Fellow
School for Policy Studies
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Research Fellow (Embedded) – GMCA Manchester
School of Environment, Education & Development
University of Manchester

Research Profile

Research Fellow, University of Bristol

Research Fellow
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Professor of Public Policy and Governance, University of Bristol

Research Associate
Faculty of Engineering
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer in Public Health, University of Bristol

Research Fellow
Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol

Research Profile
Dr Jo White (Public Engagement)

Senior Research Fellow, University of the West of England

Senior Research Fellow
Department of Health & Social Sciences
University of the West of England

Senior Research Associate, University of Bristol

Lecturer in Planning and Environmental Management
School of Environment, Education & Development
University of Manchester

Research Profile

Research Assistant, University of Bath

PhD Student
Department of Engineering
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Research Assistant, University of Bath

PhD in Management
Institute for Policy Research
University of Bath

Research Profile

Research Fellow, University of Manchester

Research Associate
The Centre for Biostatistics
University of Manchester

Research Profile

Research Assistant, University of Bath

TRUUD PhD Candidate/Research Associate
Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol

Research Profile

Professor of Public Policy and Governance, University of Bristol

University of Bristol