To incorporate validated health impact measures into a Metro healthy streets strategy.
Greater Manchester: Transport Planning
To investigate the opportunities to use health impact measures to demonstrate the impact of the Streets for All strategy. To incorporate those validated health metrics with the existing framework and co-develop an approach to ensuring these are locally relevant and useful to decision making. This will be done through an integrated three-part intervention incorporating: developing the metrics, a systems approach to continuous improvement through action-learning and engagement and visualisation tools. The overall approach is based on the axiom “what gets measured, gets done”.
Our storymap, Understanding health inequalities from a spatial perspective, plots exactly what we know about factors such as life expectancy, income levels, preventable deaths, obesity, disabilities, respiratory illnesses and deaths, access to public transport and air pollution. This helps us explain the importance of adopting a spatial perspective when looking at the complex issue of how our environment impacts health because it brings together evidence across many policy boundaries.
Based on the storymap we also produced a poster for the Department of Leveling Up, Housing and Communities as part of National Science Week 2024
Professor Arpana Verma at the University of Manchester
Professor Cecilia Wong at the University of Manchester
Dr Tracey Farragher at the University of Manchester
Dr Caglar Koksal at the University of Manchester
Dr Sian Peake-Jones at the University of Manchester
Dr Helen Wei Zheng at the University of Manchester
Blessing Nyakutsikwa at the University of Manchester