Evidence and datasets connecting urban environments with health and health inequalities

Impact of the urban environment on health

WHO repository on urban health: live repository covering urban planning, housing, environmental issues, transport and mobility.

WHO European Healthy Cities Network: for 30 years this network has brought together 100 cities and approximately 30 national networks.

Spatial planning for health: Evidence linking health and the built and natural environment from Public Health England (now OHID).

Identification of local needs

Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD): datasets by postcode or local authority area showing small area measures of relative deprivation across each of the constituent nations of the United Kingdom.

Joint strategic needs assessment: Statutory guidance on Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies. These allow local leaders work together to understand and agree the needs of all local people, with the joint health and wellbeing strategy setting the priorities for collective action.

Census data: Socio-demographic information and data related to health and disabilities from the Office of National Statistics.

How social value is connected to health

Health inequalities

The European Health Equity Status Report: identifies five essential conditions for health equity: (i) good quality and accessible health services, (ii) income security and social protection, (iii) decent living conditions, (iv) social and human capital, and (v) decent work and employment conditions.

The Marmot Review Fair Society, Healthy Lives: the ‘Marmot review’ or the ‘Marmot report’ was commissioned by the UK government to investigate the causes of health inequalities in England and to propose strategies to address them, including to ‘Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities’.

Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On: an update of the review by the Health Foundation 10 years later.

‘These are homes’ photobook: developed by Town and Country Planning Association commissioned photographer Rob Clayton to capture some of the realities of ‘homes’ created through Permitted Development Rights.

Green gentrification and health

Green Gentrification and Health: A Scoping Review: A Collection of research exploring how green initiatives can result in gentrification of neighbourhoods, and how this can impact health, well-being, and health pathways (e.g., physical activity, affordable housing).

(In)Justice in Urban Greening and Green Gentrification Urban: a chapter from the Barcelona School of Ecological Economics and Political Economy investigating the processes of green gentrification for historically marginalized residents – working-class groups, minorities, and immigrants.

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