Knowledge Exchange (WP5)

WP5 involves a programme of knowledge exchange work and impact monitoring, including annual conferences for key stakeholder groups.


To enable a comprehensive programme of knowledge exchange, and monitor and evaluate the impact strategy


One of the main aims of this research programme is to achieve long-lasting and wide-reaching impact.  We aim to change the way that urban development decisions are made across the UK and beyond, to include ways to prevent non-communicable diseases and prioritise health.  To achieve this, we will use a variety of communication methods to share our findings and the intervention that is developed through the TRUUD research.

To maximise the usefulness of what we are doing in TRUUD to decision-makers, we are focused on working with them, as well as community partners, to develop the intervention.  To do this, we are sharing information with these groups about what we are doing all the way through the research.  To support this, we will hold four annual conferences to bring together interested groups to share information.  We also plan to hold at least one parliamentary event, targeted at key stakeholders within government and key members from the advisory groups who have committed to engage at national level.

WP5 will monitor the impact that we are having, for example by identifying ways TRUUD has been valuable to individuals and organisations throughout the research.  The effectiveness of the impact strategy (developed in WP3) will be monitored throughout the programme across all WPs, with particular reference to key stakeholder groups.  We will work to ensure that what we discover and develop through our research helps to change the way that urban development decisions are made improve the health of our communities in the future.


Outputs for WP5 will include:

Knowledge exchange and communication strategy

Impact monitoring framework

Communication tools developed to share information about the research

Looking for more information?

Find out more about meta-research evaluation (WP6)